Buy me L-39ZA/ART






Joint initiative of the Ukrainian military pilots and “Aviatsiya Halychyny”.
In spring 2022, Ukrainian pilots announced the “Buy Me a Fighter Jet” initiative since even now the Ukrainian Army is in critical need of aircraft. “Aviatsiya Halychyny” has always supported our pilots; therefore, we launched joint fundraiser and search for aircraft. Since such an experience is new for both us and Ukraine in general, the process, which included search for the right aircraft, approval of procedures, and execution of documents, took quite a lot of time.

Now we are ready to announce the campaign’s goal: we are raising funds to buy L-39ZA/ART aircraft for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. This is a light attack aircraft equipped with suspensions for Western-type weapons and a 23-mm gun.

In addition, this aircraft is a training model for F-type jets.


Joint initiative of the Ukrainian military pilots and “Aviatsiya Halychyny”.
In spring 2022, Ukrainian pilots announced the “Buy Me a Fighter Jet” initiative since even now the Ukrainian Army is in critical need of aircraft. “Aviatsiya Halychyny” has always supported our pilots; therefore, we launched joint fundraiser and search for aircraft. Since such an experience is new for both us and Ukraine in general, the process, which included search for the right aircraft, approval of procedures, and execution of documents, took quite a lot of time.

Now we are ready to announce the campaign’s goal: we are raising funds to buy L-39ZA/ART aircraft for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. This is a light attack aircraft equipped with suspensions for Western-type weapons and a 23-mm gun.

In addition, this aircraft is a training model for F-type jets.


We appeal to everyone able to contribute. Ukrainians are already doing the impossible, and the purchase of an aircraft is the first precedent in the history of the world when a nation makes changes in its aviation!
Join us! And become a part of the new history of Ukrainian aviation!

  • monobank

    Apple Pay, Google Pay, Visa, MasterCardYou can make a contribution to the Fund’s Monojar.

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  • Crypto

    Crypto wallets USDT, BTC, ETH, LTCWallet addresses here.


We appeal to everyone able to contribute. Ukrainians are already doing the impossible, and the purchase of an aircraft is the first precedent in the history of the world when a nation makes changes in its aviation!
Join us! And become a part of the new history of Ukrainian aviation!

  • Банківські реквізити

    Bank detailsUAH, USD, EUR, PLNDetails here.

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  • Crypto

    Crypto walletsUSDT, BTC, ETH, LTCWallet addresses here.

Buy a T-shirt50% of proceeds are contributed to the initiative. Buy here.

T-Shirt #buymeafighterjet

Buy a T-shirt50% of proceeds are contributed to the initiative. Buy here.

T-shirt #buymeafighterjet




Aviatsiya Halychyny
Media center Ukraine






  • Is it really possible? How does it work? What is the scheme?

    International arms market is a broader notion than political negotiations at the level of states. Indeed, now partner countries provide Ukraine with certain weapons. But when it comes to modern F-type aircraft, there is no definitive decision of partner countries for a number of reasons.
    However, with the appropriate coordination with governmental bodies, we can buy an aircraft on the arms market (as a third party) and hand it over to our Air Force. Then pilots of respective units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine will be able to use it to defend our Motherland.
    Briefly about the purchase scheme of the necessary aircraft:1. Our fund is intended for fundraising and engaging all indifferent people in the initiative (including media, patrons, famous people and responsible business establishments). 2. Ukroboronprom State Concern (Ukrainian Defence Industry) has been notified about the campaign (a memorandum has been signed) and it has already joined aircraft selection and purchase process. Air Force, which will use the approved model, has been notified about the aircraft choice; 3. In fact, as for now, our role is to find donors and raise the necessary amount to buy fighter jets in the arms market.

  • Which aircraft are better? Perhaps, we can raise funds and buy the most advanced aircraft right away?

    The most advanced aircraft mean enormous budgets. Ukrainian pilots are ready to fly other aircraft apart from Soviet-type models, such as American fighters F16 and Swedish JAS 39. However, combat on such aircraft requires sufficient preparation; therefore, our pilots should undergo enough hours of training, including learning how to use modern navigation systems and equipment of the most advanced aircraft.
    Recently, Ukraine has indeed received MiG aircraft from partner countries, but these are old Soviet-type aircraft.
    More than a year of the war with the occupier clearly demonstrates that we need to switch to new aviation with new modern aircraft, the ammo for which is available on the global arms market.

  • Why the L-39ZA/ART model?

    - All our pilots of assault aviation can fly this aircraft (its non-attack model is already used for training in the Ukrainian Air Force);
    - This aircraft has Ukrainian engines; therefore, we have specialists and technical capabilities for its repair and maintenance;
    - This aircraft can be equipped with the Western-type weapons, our partners can provide;
    - This aircraft can be used as a part of the Air Defence Force. It is effective for shooting down enemy’s drones (with relatively cheaper operational hour);
    - Navigation and fire-control systems have been modernized – they are now closer to aircraft in service of NATO countries; therefore, L-39ZA/ART can be used as a training aircraft for transition to aircraft of F-16 class. 

  • Who is the funds’ recipient?

    First of all, it is prohibited for the military to engage in fundraising. That is why we have registered the Charity Fund “Aviatsiya Halychyny” to raise funds transparently. You can check this in the State Register here. The fund’s founders include representatives of “Aviatsiya Halychyny” and the public. The Fund will work to fulfil the needs of the Ukrainian Air Force in wartime and after our victory. 

  • Why is a newly created fund raising funds?

    This is not the first time the brand “Aviatsiya Halychyny” has collaborated with Ukrainian pilots. Mainly, these used to be collaborations on sewing uniforms and clothes for our air aces, as well as technical support.
    But now we live in the time when everyone does things that probably would not have come to mind under other circumstances. Having heard about our guys’ request to buy fighter jets, representatives of “Aviatsiya Halychyny” have joined the initiative group (together with representatives of Ukrainian aviation) to help as much as possible. After all, pilots and the military are now defending our country on all possible frontlines, so they have no opportunity to raise funds by themselves.

  • What’s next?

    We continue raising funds to buy L-39ZA/ART aircraft. We stay in touch with other funds and patrons regarding possible purchase of several such aircraft. When the aircraft are operational, our pilots will use them for training and more. Once the partner countries transfer us modern aircraft, the pilots will be ready to fly the most advanced fighter jets.



  • Is it really possible? How does it work? What is the scheme?

    International arms market is a broader notion than political negotiations at the level of states. Indeed, now partner countries provide Ukraine with certain weapons. But when it comes to modern F-type aircraft, there is no definitive decision of partner countries for a number of reasons.
    However, with the appropriate coordination with governmental bodies, we can buy an aircraft on the arms market (as a third party) and hand it over to our Air Force. Then pilots of respective units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine will be able to use it to defend our Motherland.
    Briefly about the purchase scheme of the necessary aircraft:1. Our fund is intended for fundraising and engaging all indifferent people in the initiative (including media, patrons, famous people and responsible business establishments). 2. Ukroboronprom State Concern (Ukrainian Defence Industry) has been notified about the campaign (a memorandum has been signed) and it has already joined aircraft selection and purchase process. Air Force, which will use the approved model, has been notified about the aircraft choice; 3. In fact, as for now, our role is to find donors and raise the necessary amount to buy fighter jets in the arms market.

  • Which aircraft are better? Perhaps, we can raise funds and buy the most advanced aircraft right away?

    The most advanced aircraft mean enormous budgets. Ukrainian pilots are ready to fly other aircraft apart from Soviet-type models, such as American fighters F16 and Swedish JAS 39. However, combat on such aircraft requires sufficient preparation; therefore, our pilots should undergo enough hours of training, including learning how to use modern navigation systems and equipment of the most advanced aircraft.
    Recently, Ukraine has indeed received MiG aircraft from partner countries, but these are old Soviet-type aircraft.
    More than a year of the war with the occupier clearly demonstrates that we need to switch to new aviation with new modern aircraft, the ammo for which is available on the global arms market.

  • Why the L-39ZA/ART model?

    - All our pilots of assault aviation can fly this aircraft (its non-attack model is already used for training in the Ukrainian Air Force);
    - This aircraft has Ukrainian engines; therefore, we have specialists and technical capabilities for its repair and maintenance;
    - This aircraft can be equipped with the Western-type weapons, our partners can provide;
    - This aircraft can be used as a part of the Air Defence Force. It is effective for shooting down enemy’s drones (with relatively cheaper operational hour);
    - Navigation and fire-control systems have been modernized – they are now closer to aircraft in service of NATO countries; therefore, L-39ZA/ART can be used as a training aircraft for transition to aircraft of F-16 class. 

  • Who is the funds’ recipient?

    First of all, it is prohibited for the military to engage in fundraising. That is why we have registered the Charity Fund “Aviatsiya Halychyny” to raise funds transparently. You can check this in the State Register here. The fund’s founders include representatives of “Aviatsiya Halychyny” and the public. The Fund will work to fulfil the needs of the Ukrainian Air Force in wartime and after our victory. 

  • Why is a newly created fund raising funds?

    This is not the first time the brand “Aviatsiya Halychyny” has collaborated with Ukrainian pilots. Mainly, these used to be collaborations on sewing uniforms and clothes for our air aces, as well as technical support.
    But now we live in the time when everyone does things that probably would not have come to mind under other circumstances. Having heard about our guys’ request to buy fighter jets, representatives of “Aviatsiya Halychyny” have joined the initiative group (together with representatives of Ukrainian aviation) to help as much as possible. After all, pilots and the military are now defending our country on all possible frontlines, so they have no opportunity to raise funds by themselves.

  • What’s next?

    We continue raising funds to buy L-39ZA/ART aircraft. We stay in touch with other funds and patrons regarding possible purchase of several such aircraft. When the aircraft are operational, our pilots will use them for training and more. Once the partner countries transfer us modern aircraft, the pilots will be ready to fly the most advanced fighter jets.